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Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity

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Implementation of Sorting and Filtering options for Device registration page

Currently Device Registration page has no sorting and filtering options availabl We are proposing the implementation of the below that would enhance the UI experience and also help in troubleshooting for Device Registration page(Device Management=...
Akshay Zade about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 4 Future consideration

LwM2M - Standards-based Server API Support

Today, each LwM2M Server has a proprietary API interface that external systems can use for integration. This requires costly server-specific integration work and support. We understand that OMA is working on adding a standards-based Server API. Li...
Iain Mackenzie about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 1 Future consideration

Easier way to search for events in the LwM2M events log

When searching for logs in the events tab (either from the overall events stream in the Device Management or from the device itself), we can only search for event types such as: c8y_CBOR_DECODING_EVENT lwm2m_log c8y_LWM2MDeviceRegistration Howeve...
Laudemhir Jan Parel about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 1 Future consideration

Create a new UI widget that uses a LwM2M object or objects as a data source

Create a new UI widget that uses a LwM2M object or objects (via a composite read) as a data source. This configurable widget (list, table, chart, etc) could be added, like other widgets, to the C8Y Device Management application.
Iain Mackenzie about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 1 Unlikely to support

Bulk device registration – Support json & xml files

Currently, for LwM2M devices, bulk registration only supports csv files. It would be useful if other file types, in particular json & xml were supported as well. It would also be useful if these files supported the addition of custom device at...
Iain Mackenzie about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 1 Partially supported already

LwM2M - Non-Confirmable Message Support

Current LwM2M standards require all LwM2M messages to be confirmed. Itron understands that OMA will soon be adding an option to selectively disable message confirmation. Changes to both LwM2M server and LwM2M clients will be needed to deliver non-...
Iain Mackenzie about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 1 Future consideration

Device names from OPCUA server

The device name is generated automatically. It would be helpful if the name could be read from the OPCUA server and used as the device name.
Marius Walzog about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 1 Future consideration

Lwm2m bulk device registration failures - Operation Status for partial success/failure

Currently we have only four status for Device Operations - Pending/Executing/Successful/Failed. However it becomes quite tricky with partial failures (or say partial success), which currently displays as 'Failed' similar to the one which is comple...
Mohammed Ali Khan about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 2 Likely to support/improve

Implementation of Sorting and Filtering options Operations under Device Control in Device Management application

Currently, the Operations under Device Control in Device Management application has no sorting options and also filtering options available are limited (based on Status) We are proposing the implementation of the below that would enhance the UI ex...
Mohammed Ali Khan about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 1 Likely to support/improve

Implementation of Sorting and Filtering options for Event logs

Currently, the Event logs in Device Management application has no sorting options and also filtering options available are limited. We are proposing the implementation of the below that would enhance the UI experience and also help in troubleshoot...
Mohammed Ali Khan about 1 year ago in Cumulocity IoT Device Mgmt. & Connectivity 3 Likely to support/improve