When adding new users, we normally copy the email address of a person and paste it directly and i have seen this cause confusion when that user logins in for the first time. Their email may be "JoeDoe@company.com", and becasue the username field i...
Update Device Info tab to support new SSIs: RSRP & RSRQ
In Device Management, for a device's 'Info' tab there is a useful 'Device and Communication' widget that displays relevant device specific info. RSSI has been used in 3G, but now with 4G and 5G signals RSRQ and RSRP are used to determine quality o...
We are deploying devices in field that can cache the measurements and transfer them to the Cumulocity only at a predefined intervals. It means, that the measurements reach cumulocity with delay, which sometimes is more than 24 hours.
We need to ...
Abuse of the password reset feature - Security Risk
A non-authenticated user can use the password reset functionality to send password reset emails toarbitrary addresses, even if they are not linked to any account of the Web application. The followingrequest and screenshot illustrate this vulnerabi...
Support of weak SSL/TLS encryption protocol - Security Risk
Environmentdormakabastaging.us.cumulocity.com DescriptionThe Web server supports the use of encryption protocols inferior to TLS1.2. Security vulnerabilities havebeen identified in these versions and / or they are no longer compliant with the PCI-...
Edge tenantβs domain name requisition process improvements
Edge tenantβs domain name requisition process improvements
Documented at https://iwiki.eur.ad.sag/display/IOT/Edge+Tenant+domain-name+rules
Show application name exactly as they are configured
The application names are going through a "normalization process".
This means that application names like "MindSphere Launchpad", are normalized to:"mind sphere launchpad", which is not desired by the customer.
Reason is that changes to this migh...
Currently it is allowed to change the edge licence file and to re-run the postinstaller, unfortunately it is not possible to change the edge domain name (its also stated int he documentaion). This is an issue for customer SMC who has configured hi...
Date&Time display in widgets when aggregation is activated
In using data-point-table widget, when aggregation set to 1day, the "DATE&TIME" field is set to "{date} 09:00:00"- This value has less information and may be misleading,it is desirable to show "{date}" (when aggregating for 1 day)"{date} HH" (...