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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal
Status Added/Resolved 🎉
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 16, 2021

The visibility of the measurements tab shall be configurable

One of our customers has reported, that their customer get confused by the missing measurement tab of cloud fieldbus child devices.

As a workaround they have added a dummy measurement in order to show the measurement tab "by default". However, the workaround has lead to other confusions.

Therefore, we would like to raise a feature request to be able to enforce Cumulocity to show the Measurement tab via a setting. Another possibility would be to always show the Measurement tab.

In case that no Measurements are available, either an empty page or a page with the text "No measurements available." shall be shown.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Attila Katona

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  • Admin
    Nikolaus Neuerburg
    Mar 7, 2022

    Hi Attila, let me provide a short update. Given that the Events & Alarm tabs are always displayed, we have decided to also always display the measurements tab. This change will be available with Cumulocity IoT >=10.14.

  • Admin
    Nikolaus Neuerburg
    Aug 13, 2021

    Hi Attila, thanks a lot for your feedback. In general, we have the design guideline to only display Device Tabs if they are applicable to the device in question. For the measurement tab, this is checked by validating if there is at least one measurement associated to the device. While we agree that this can be confusing for devices that support the sending of measurements, we currently do not plan to change this behavior.