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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 8, 2019

Unlocking tenant admin's account

When a tenant admin’s account is locked due to several wrong password attempts, it's not possible to unlock it via UI. Support team says that it should be done on DB by ops team. I believe it should be done on UI by management tenant's admin.

Solution proposal

Always unlock a user account if an admin sets a new password, including if the management user sets a new password for the tenant admins user

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Nikolaus Neuerburg
    Aug 27, 2019

    Hi Sinan,

    unfortunately we will not be able to backport this into an earlier version as this changes the system behaviour. Unfortunately, I cannot promise a delivery with a particular release. As the development for the October Release has been already finished the earliest release would be the January 2020 release.



  • Guest
    Aug 27, 2019

    Hi Nikolaus,

    Thanks for the consideration.
    Yes, that woks.
    In what version will you plan to deploy that feature?
    Or can we have it as a patch on our current version? (9.20)


  • Admin
    Nikolaus Neuerburg
    Aug 26, 2019

    Hi Sinan,

    thanks a lot for providing us with feedback! We had quite some internal discussions around how to best address this. The winning proposal is to automatically unlock a user if the admin sets a new password (including if the management user sets a new password for the tenant admins user).

    Before planning the implementation, I would like to get your feedback on this solution. Do you agree that it makes sense to unlock a user account as soon as the password is reset by the administrator?

    Thanks & best regards,
