The Availability menu under Device Management application has been pretty much stagnant in terms of improvements for a long time now. Currently it only displays the availability data based on critical Alarm filter with no other filtering options available. Also it only displays the count or percentage of devices but enable to link the devices for better identification or troubleshooting.
An overall improvements is required for the 'Availability' menu with some suggestions as listed below,
Add more filter options to visualise the availability data in a better way (other than just Critical Alarm based). Note: Device unavailability currently raises Major Alarm by default so filtering on just Critical Alarm gives inaccurate availability data, hence a need for more filtering options
Option to view the list of devices upon clicking the count or percentage of devices displayed that constitutes the data on the Availability menu.
Hi Mohammed,
the current availability monitoring is indeed quite limited which is why we are currently investigating other options for fleet health monitoring to make it easier to get an overview of the device fleet and identify devices that don’t operate as they should. This, however, is not that trivial as each customer/user might be interested in different statistics/KPI depending on the specific devices/use-cases which is why we decided to focus on other bigger topics first.
Best regards,