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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal
Status Added/Resolved 🎉
Created by Nikolaus Neuerburg
Created on Feb 25, 2022

I want to prominently display key KPIs

Currently, there is no widget that displays a very simple KPI.

Simple visualizations are especially important for customers who open dashboads on small screens (e.g. Mobile phone) and want to only see the most relevant information.

The ability to set a Icon, would also be very helpful as often Icons make the dashboard much more intuitive to understand

The widget closest to this is our "Info Gauge" widget. However, the widget is too complex for simple visualisations. One option would be to make the radial gauge at the right hand site optional. Another option would be to add the KPI trend widget to Cockpit (

Some other visualization options:

  • Attach files