Notifications 2.0 - Add the ability to filter on Managed Object fragments
Enhance the Notifications 2.0 subscription filter to enable filtering on managed object fragments such as device type and to use wild cards in filters, such as “c8y_temp*”, to match everything starting with “c8y_temp”.
Filtering process is not good enough. It does not allow to filter by different fragments. We need to create 1 filter per fragment. It would be nice to have some sort of "OR" filter for fragments, so we could add as many fragments as needed into 1 ...
Databroker currently synchronizes objects from edge instance to cloud instance based on events occurring in Cumulocity Edge. Same requests sent to Cumulocity Edge are sent to Cloud instance. When losing connection in the Edge side, Databroker is e...
Notification 2.0 API - Send notifications for changes to devices within a group
UC: subscription to the API "managedobjects", context "mo" and a group id as source.With such a subscription one gets notifications only for property changes to the group itself. It would also be nice to have the possibility to get notifications f...
For Apama in C8Y we are missing the API to receive real time notification when a User is being added/updated/deleted. This could be very useful when we need to check if the user has some settings updated and act in real time accordingly. At the mo...
Serve custom certificate on MQTT port 8883 when using custom domain
Currently when using a custom domain name the UI/REST AP is accessible by this custom domain name. But the data ingestion by MQTT does not work using the same custom domain name because the certificate validation will fail on client side, because ...
Enable Response/Error Mapping in Smart Rest via MQTT
On behalf of TT-Control, I'd like to create the below feature request: # Feature Request - Enable Request/Response Mapping in Smart Rest via MQTT ## Requirement TT-Control implemented an Agent in Smart Rest 1 via Mqtt a while ago. They have the re...
The data broker is forwarding objects such as Alarms from one tenant to another. However, there is no mechanism to sync data back to the source tenant. One example is an alarm that is cleared in the target tenant will still be active in the source...