The C8Y platform itself supports I18N and also has APIs where user created content (webApps/microservices) add assets to C8Y. The webApps/microservices of course can provide I18N, but there is no support from C8Y. Especially, assets like roles/permissions created by a microservice appear in the C8Y core API and are only available in one language.
As many SAG customers are also international companies, I expect many of them wanting to develop webApps/Microservices with I18N.
Cumulocity IoT DataHub is another example of a webApp/Microservice which would profit from the feature. However, as internal customers we have other means to work around this.
Cumulocity IoT provides a framework and full support for internationalisation. However, translation strings need to be provided at build time of the webApp.
In case, new translations are added by other sources (e.g. because a Microservice introduces a new role or a device sends an alarm message) the only way to offer I18N in such a case is to include the translation of those strings in advance when building the WebApp.
Providing the option to dynamically add translation strings would certainly be valuable in such cases.