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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Data at Rest
Created by Mohammed Ali Khan
Created on May 26, 2022
Merged feedback
This feedback has been merged into another feedback. To comment or vote on this feedback, please visit C8YCORE-I-138 case-insensitive filtering in inventory.

Filtering of assets/groups should be case-insensitive Merged

Currently, the filtering of assets/groups is case-sensitive which makes no sense as it makes harder to filter the assets without entering the exact text case. It is highly unreasonable for a user to remember the exact text case of the asset to apply the filter.

If case-sensitive to be retained then it would be good to have an additional check box on the search for 'case-insensitivity' and a tooltip to remind user that default is a case sensitive search

Internal ticket raised - SI-470119

  • Admin
    Jane Porter
    Jul 15, 2022

    Hi Mohammed,

    Thank you for using Aha! to provide us with your request to use case insensitive filtering for assets/groups. Our current backlog for the team responsible is very full, with a focus on optimising how we hold measurement data to improve performance and infrastructure use. Once we have completed that work we can look at how we might be able to support your request, however there are some potential downsides to case insensitive querying which may result in performance issues so we shall need to proceed carefully.

    I have marked your Idea as suitable for future consideration.

    Regards, Jane.