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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal
Status Clarification needed
Categories Data at Rest
Created by Helmut Gansmüller
Created on Mar 11, 2024

Apama-like script engine for reading data from database

Sometimes it would be helpful to have a real time engine for outgoing data, like Apama for incoming data.

We could change values of measurements to other units or filter data before they get send to the client.

Maybe we can use it for calculating average or sum values. No need to calculate them on the client side or create an microservice. Just a little script which can do it for us and send the result only.

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    Jane Porter
    May 20, 2024

    Hi Helmut,

    Thank you for raising this insight. I wonder if you would be available for a short call so we can understand the business use case better. Please send me an email at and we can get something set up.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Regards, Jane.