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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on May 7, 2024

Add the customizable placeholder for password change in Enterprise tenant


We have a request to add placeholder that customer can customize for password change. For security reason, the token for password change cannot be obtained by API. The token is only available in the following placeholder set in Enterprise tenant (Administration/Settings/Enterprise tenant/Configuration/Password reset): {tenant-domain}/apps/cockpit/index.html?token={token}&email={email}

We have various customers who are not using cockpit but custom web applications, because they want to use their own logo/design in the web application. So, we would like to use customizable placeholder like {customPlaceHolder} and use it to modify the link for password change like this: {tenant-domain}/apps/{customPlaceHolder}/index.html?token={token}&email={email}

If this is possible, customers can use their own custom web applications or cockpit by changing the link in each tenant. Our customers strongly request this functionality. Can you consider adding customizable placeholder for password change?

If you have any questions, feel free to let us know.

Kind regards,


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    Jane Porter
    Jun 3, 2024

    Hi Akihiro-san,

    Thank you for raising this Insight and for the information you have provided, we believe this is a feature worth considering for a future release, however given the current backlog for the team we are not in a position to prioritize this in the near future. Please be assured we will keep it in mind as we build our backlogs and will prioritize it when we are able.

    Many thanks, Jane Porter