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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal

My feedback: Product Infrastructure & Microservices

Showing 2

Allow service user requesting currentApplication from REST API

For the service user call to the REST endpoint GET application/currentApplication should be allowed. IMHO it dosen't make sense to allow that endpoint for the bootstrap user but not for the service user! Documentation for the endpoint: https://cum...
Florian Gopp over 2 years ago in Cumulocity IoT Platform Services / Product Infrastructure & Microservices 2 Unlikely to support

Make it possible to buid a microservice in the cloud

Today you have to build the docker container for the microservies framework locally and upload it afterwards. This can be problematic when you have a limited internet connection. I would be great to just upload the artifacts needed for the build e...
Marco Stoffel about 3 years ago in Cumulocity IoT Platform Services / Product Infrastructure & Microservices 1 Unlikely to support