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Cumulocity IoT Feedback Portal
Status Planning / planned
Categories Platform Management
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 8, 2020

Change of first tenant administrator

Hello Cumulocity,

currently the firstly created user/administrator in a tenant can't be changed. We have regurarly issue with that fact, especially if a Telekom / Customer colleague leaves the company and the first admin is still assigned to the user. That is why we would like to request a button, with which the primary tenant administrator can be handovered to another user.

BR Milen Touchev

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  • Guest
    Jun 19, 2020

    Hallo Nicolaus,

    thank you very much for the provided feedback! I have discussed this with my colleagues and with our security colleagues … We find the suggestion good and would like to enhance it a bit, so that it is also suit our security requirements, that no tenants contain “standard” usernames like sysadmin. Can you please discuss with your colleagues the following option: When creating new tenant, admin-user will be automatically set to a random cryptical value, e.g. hgfhTrsg4578 and instead the “alias” will be set to the value requested from customer in the field admin-user.

    Like this customer would be able to login with his admin-user (defined as alias), your team wouldn’t have to adapt the UI, there will be no standard user (sysadmin) in each and every tenant and the random cryptical value will be used as a reference.

    Will be glad to hear you thoughts on that. Thank you very much in advance!

    BR Milen Touchev

    Von: Software AG <>
    Gesendet: Montag, 15. Juni 2020 13:43
    An: Aha!
    Betreff: Nikolaus Neuerburg responded to idea C8YCORE-I-178 Change of first tenant administrator

  • Admin
    Nikolaus Neuerburg
    Jun 15, 2020

    Hi Milen,

    thank you for the feedback.

    I have had a discussion with the development team on how to make sure that the administrator user account can be handed over to another person in case the admin leaves the company or IoT team.

    While the e-mail address and login alias can be changed at any time after tenant creation, the issue seems to be that this is not the case for the username. Unfortunately, with the current system design it is not possible to allow for a change of the username (as it is used as id for any cross-reference) or hand-over the tenant owner to another user.

    When discussing this with the development team, we discussed the following approach:

    • The default username for the administrator when setting up a new tenant is "sysadmin"

    • A new tooltip will be introduced stating the following:The username for the initial admin user should be a neutral name and not reference to a physical person. The username of the administrator cannot be changed after tenant creation.

    Does this make sense in your view and solve your problem at least for newly created tenants?




UI Tenant properties: enable change of Administrator's username

Every time if a customer requests the change of Administrator's username, we have to ask Operations to do that
Guest almost 5 years ago in Cumulocity IoT Platform Services / Platform Management 3 Planning / planned