When a user selects a device from the groups in the left navigation, and refreshes the page, the left navigation resets to start, while the user is still on the selected device on the right-hand side. Refer to the attached video which demonstrates...
child device name not readable in Data Explorer; full child device name is shown only when users hoover over it
with UI the datapoint selection is heavily changed. now child device are not fully readable in case of long names. the full child device name is shown only when hovering over it. we name child devices by using device name + device prot...
Customisable left side menu navigator in Cockpit application
We have a customised cockpit application. We would like to replace the current behaviour of left side menu navigator, for instance collapsing all previously opened sub groupes when clicking on a new subgroup.
Reports need to be aligned under "Report" tab in Cockpit
From Cumulocity IOT platform version 10.9 onwards, "Reports" are dispersed and are not shown under Report tab. For better user experience and to avoid confusion "Reports" need to be shown under report tab. Currently, "Reports" are always shown on ...
Since the update to version 10.10 the view of the Silo Widget has been changed. The Information for the ranges is not very informative. The Measurement and the ranges of it are Displayed as very thin lines. So it is not very clear in wich range th...
Events in the data-explorer don't show there event text on screen. The text is loaded in from the API as you can see on my screenshot. I would suggest also showing the text when hovering on the event.
Date&Time display in widgets when aggregation is activated
In using data-point-table widget, when aggregation set to 1day, the "DATE&TIME" field is set to "{date} 09:00:00"- This value has less information and may be misleading,it is desirable to show "{date}" (when aggregating for 1 day)"{date} HH" (...